Lillebet’s Memory Bears- start of the journey

Published on 16 January 2025 at 21:09

Lillibet's Memory Bears started as a way back from the deep depression after a car accident. I would be the first to admit that I am a really bad patient. Most nurses or ex-nurses are.

I read a lot about repressed grief and how it can suddenly hit you when another trauma lowers your defenses. I lost my father in December 2019. And I had no real time to mourn him when COVID and lockdown hit the UK, my 2020 went on to contain a cardiac event with lifelong complications. This rollercoaster went on with other events culminating in the car accident in 2023. 

I needed to find a way to keep busy while dealing with the end of my nursing career and the disabilities I now lived with. My best friend got me a memory bear pattern, handed me the shirt my father has loved and I was on my way. 

The picture is the second Michael bear I made. The first saw way to many tears and emotions to ever be finished.

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